Saturday, October 02, 2010

Freshman Journal 1.1.7

Year 1, Semester 1, Week 7.
Apologies for extreme randomness

I. This Picture is Actually From Week 5

8 September 2010: Guitarras Viva (The Noob Section)

II. MIR Publicity Campaign Now Public

III. Mid Term Tests
I aimed for full marks in Maths/Physics/Chemistry but it is not likely that I will get a perfect score for any of those in this fateful week.
Please do not feel alarmed. Ideally, everyone should strive for a perfect score. Realistically, normal people will miss the mark. Everyone will nevertheless enjoy for themselves, in return, the infinite joys of mugging.

IV. Mugging
Don't overdo the neurotism. Listen to relaxing instrumental music while studying, and by "instrumental" I mean of course to rule out anything involving synthesisers.

V. WP2201I Expository Essay


I forgot to elaborate; the topic of WP2201I is Invasive Species. For our third paper, we will be writing a 1000-word essay on an invasive species of our choice. My choice is the Lallang, a.k.a. cogongrass, or kunai, or 茅萱, cỏ tranh, etc.

Reasons for choosing this species fella:
1. Wide geographical spread:
All around the world, below the subtropical latitudes; O Lallang, the sun shall never set upon thy domain.
2. High profile:
Overtook Kudzu as the number 1 dick weed in the southern US, occupying 1.5 million acres of land as compared to Kudzu's 1.0 million acres.
3. Paranormal allusions:
Tendency to Spontaneous Combustion.
4. It's a plant
Plants are very underrated things, if only for them being boring and not inviting dramatic intepretation as readily as other, more metazoan invasive types, like rabbits.

You realise that Watership Down is largely about bunnies, and not at all about the noxious indestructable invasive weed pictured in the foreground.

[Episode 1. Disclaimer: for time-wasting purposes only]

VI. An Appropriate Freshman Attitude
Let your hair down because now you have your hair. Leave your past behind. Forget the grand achievements you have had, the stories you have accumulated, the knowledge you have gathered under your belt. Forget about looking cool and looking smart: Be childlike so that you can fill your heart with a sense of wonder, and a thirst for knowledge. Be humble so that you may find your place, and to open up to new possibilities. You have come to school again and you have come into this world as a nobody, as fresh as a newborn child. And being a newborn child, this is no time to act all stuck-up.

VII. A Response to the Recently-Announced Exoplanet Survey on Gliese 581g

What, it doesn't rotate?!

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