Sunday, September 05, 2010

Freshman Journal 1.1.4

Note: "Journal 1.1.4" denotes an entry from (Year)1.(Semester)1.(Week)4

I. Modules

Ia. MA1505 Mathematics I
Now because I take this GEK1517 module, MA1505 seems lame and pedantic.
However, this feeling is deceptive! When I do the tutorials, I keep needing the help of my 1-semester old answers (because in addition to crashing MA1505 lectures from February to April 2010, I also did the tutorial questions).
This can not continue. I must revise the concepts we learnt in class and make it intuitive in the most hardcore way imaginable.

Ib. GEK1517 Mathematical Thinking
I am wholly satisfied with this module and am enjoying all of its lectures and tutorials despite the possibility of me failing it at the end.
The lecturer Assoc. Prof. Leung is a difficult guy to talk to, although his lectures are entertaining.

Ic. PC1431 Physics IE
The lecturer talks with an accent I find unbearable. I cannot reproduce the accent for more than a few seconds without choking on my own tongue.

Id. CM1417 Fundamentals of Chemistry
I want to quickly pwn this module because I get kind of embarrassed whenever I have to admit that I did not take H2 Chemistry for 'A' Levels.
To reiterate, the reason for not taking H2 Chemistry was pure stupidity.
Crashed a year 2 Chemistry lecture earlier this week with Brian, who told me that all the wonderful stuff on screen were covered by H2 Chem. Man, what have I missed all these years?

Ie. WP2201I Messing With Nature: Unintended Consequences
First graded assignment in on Thursday.
2 readings due tomorrow (guiltily as I write)


IIa. Mountaineering Club / MIR
I am now in MIR10 EXCO, understudy Publicity i/c.
I chose it not just because it sounds very slack, but also because I have experience in design ('A' Level credentials)!
The batch is small but new members keep coming in. Trainings consist of an endurance run on Tuesday evenings, speed training on Thursday evenings, and something fun and random on Saturday morning till noon.

IIb. Guitar Ensemble / GENUS
After 5 years in and out of guitar noobdom, I am performing in concert!
It's a late notice, but here are the details...

Wednesday 8 September
University Cultural Centre
Free Admission, Limited Seats!

My group's items are
Francis LAI arr. Koji KUBO: 13 Days in France
Sir Edward ELGAR arr. Masako OHASHI: Salut d'Amour

IIc. Catholic Students' Society / CSS
Infuriatingly, I have to skip lessons in order to attend the activities of CSS every week.
Attended a mass in LT17, School in Business on Friday, presided by Fr. Alex from Saint Joseph (Bukit Timah). It was the first time in my experience that the pews were higher in elevation than the sanctuary.

IId. Astronomy Club / NUSAS
With apologies to Kenneth!

I now recommend that although one tries their very best to be hardcore, their timetable will invariably disappoint them by clashing. One high-key and one low-key CCA is a good balance, and that is enough.

III. My weight
These weeks have seen increase. Evidently, my active lifestyle is not active enough. Will switch to a more masochistic regimen in short notice.

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