Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Os Piños

This entry serves as a distraction, and for the fact that I haven't been posting lyrics for quite a while.

Os Piños
Eduardo Pondal / Pascual Veiga

¿Que din os rumorosos na costa verdecente,
ao raio transparente do prácido luar?
¿Que din as altas copas de escuro arume harpado
co seu ben acompasado monótono fungar?

Do teu verdor cinguido e de benignos astros,
confín dos verdes castros e valeroso chan,
non des a esquecemento da inxuria o rudo encono;
desperta do teu sono fogar de

Os bos e xenerosos a nosa voz entenden,
e con arroubo atenden o noso rouco son,
mais sóo os iñorantes, e féridos e duros,
imbéciles e escuros non os entenden, non.

Os tempos son chegados dos bardos das edades
que as vosas vaguedades cumprido fin terán;
mais onde quer, xigante a nosa voz pregoa

a redenzón da boa nazón de Breogán

Os Piños is the national anthem adopted by nationalists in Galicia, which here means "a province in northwestern Spain" rather than "Southern Poland and Western Ukraine". Galicia is different from (most of) the rest of Spain, as it holds a richly Celtic heritage, a trait which it shares with its neighbouring region Asturias. Its capital is Santiago de Compostela.

Chemistry today was good. The catalytic converter question came out, to which I answered by writing "Platinum" in nice big smug letters. I've a hunch that I'll score more than 90% in this paper, which means that I'll probably get a 70+. Either way, it's A1 for meee.

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