Friday, May 24, 2013

Card Trick

The start of a series of bonus questions and solutions done in the Graph Theory course at EPFL (MATH-360)

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Question from Session 2: Two people perform a card trick. The first performer takes 5 cards from a 52-card deck (previously shuffled by a member of the audience), looks at them, keeps one of the cards and arranges the remaining four in a row from left to right, face up. The second performer guesses correctly the hidden card. Prove that the performers can agree on a system which always makes this possible, and devise one such system.

Let us assume that the 52-card deck consists of 4 suits of 13 cards. Let us label the decks C for clubs, S for spades, H for hearts and D for diamonds. A suit X has elements x1, x2, x3, …, 13 that denote the 13 cards in each deck, the subscript being the number value of the card.
Between cards of the same deck, a card with a higher number value has a higher “deck value” (so c2 is more valuable than c1). Between cards of different decks, spades are the most valuable, followed by hearts, diamonds, and clubs.

Guessing the suit of the hidden card
When player 1 (P1) draws a set of five cards from the pile, it is impossible to have every card of a different suit, as there are only 4 suits. Given a suit X with at least 2 cards in the drawn pile which are xn and xm, it is possible for P1 to choose xn as hidden card, and then to place xb as the r-th card in the row (r is predefined and can vary so as to make the trick harder for a spectator to figure out) as a signal to the P2 that the hidden card is of the suit X.
For example, if r=1, X=C, then P1 can choose to make the arrangement

Guessing the number on the hidden card
Next, the number on the revealed card xm and the identities of the other three cards a,b and c are used to communicate the number n of the hidden card. For this, the performers can make use of a graph consisting of a cycle C of 13 vertices v1, v2, v3,…, v13, one for each number value of the card as follows:

The cards a,b and c are defined by P1 and P2 as their deck value, so that a < b < c. Based on how a,b and c are arranged in the row (ignoring xm), P2 starts from the point on the graph with the number value m and then moves along the cycle according to the key:

This is because in C, it is possible to reach any vertex from a start point by a maximum of 6 steps (i.e. after covering 6 edges), as demonstrated below:

P1 should pick xn as the card to hide if it is possible to travel clockwise on C from vm to vn within 6 steps.
With these rules, the suit, as well as the number value of xn, can be unambiguously determined by P2 from the 4 cards displayed by P1.

Overview of performance (Example)
P1 draws 5 cards from the shuffled pile. He draws a set of cards {h1, c13, s1, s3, h8 }. 2 hearts and 2 clubs are present in the 5 cards on his hand. P1 chooses Hearts as the suit of his hidden card.
As it is possible to travel clockwise on the cycle from v8 to v1 within 6 steps, but not possible to travel clockwise on the cycle from v1 to v8 within 6 steps, P1 can choose to hide h1 and display h8 in the leftmost position in the row:

P2 now knows that the hidden card belongs to the suit H.
To instruct P2 to find out the number value of the hidden card, he fills up the remaining positions of the row with the remaining cards in the order (c, b, a), where a has the lowest deck value and c has the highest deck value. In this case, the sequence (c, b, a),  yields (s3,s1,c13). So P1 displays:

By comparing the deck values of the rightmost 3 cards, P2 now understands that he must make six jumps from vertex v8 on C in the clockwise direction. He does so through a mental calculation and arrives at v1. He now knows that the hidden card has a number value of 1. With this information in hand, he deduces that the hidden card is h1, or Ace of Hearts.

(28 Feb 2013, Dorigny in the Switz)