Wednesday, September 27, 2006

La Ziguezon


M'en va t'à la fontaine
Pour y pêcher du poisson
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
La fontaine est profonde
Je m'suis coulé au fond
La ziguezon zin zon

Fille en haut, fille en bas
Fille, fille, fille, femme
Femme, femme, femme aussi!
Pis la bottine - tine - tine
Pis le rigolet ha! ha!
Son p'tit porte-clé tout rouillé, tout rouillé
Son p'tit porte-clé tout rouillé gaiement (bis)

La fontaine est profonde
Je m'suis coulé au fond
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
Par icitte il y passe
Trois cavaliers barons
La Ziguezon zin zon


Par icitte il y passe
Trois cavaliers barons
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
Que m'donneriez-vous belle
Si j'vous tirais du fond?
La Ziguezon zin zon


Que m'donneriez-vous belle
Si j'vous tirais du fond?
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
Tirez, tirez dit-elle
Après ça nous verrons
La Ziguezon zin zon


Tirez, tirez dit-elle
Après ça nous verrons
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
Quand la belle fut à terre
Se sauve à la maison
La Ziguezon zin zon


Quand la belle fut à terre
Se sauve à la maison
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
S'assoit à la fenêtre
Compose une chanson
La Ziguezon zin zon


S'assoit à la fenêtre
Compose une chanson
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
Mon petit coeur en gage
N'est pas pour un baron
La Ziguezon zin zon


Mon petit coeur en gage
N'est pas pour un baron
La Ziguezon zin zon (bis)
Mais pour un homme de guerre
Qui a du pouel' au menton
La Ziguezon zin zon


Sorry guys, can't think of anything else to write.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

An Apocalyptic Dream

It was late into the night, and I was looking out of some window, facing north. What should I see but the bright stars of Centaurus and Crux, shining over the suspiciously darkened skyline like diamonds on dark blue velvet. (Of course, under normal circumstances Centaurus would appear in the south instead of north, and you can't see stars, but this was a dream)

Gacrux and Delta Crucis faded first, then the rest of the stars. Clouds gathered overhead, and explosions were set off which seemed, initially, like very loud thunder. Whole sky is dark by now, and my attention is all but focused upon the spectacular fireballs.

Just then, a pillar of fire shot out from above and landed somewhere far to my right.

Switch to school scene, which is quite weird, seeing how fast it happened. I was at school, doing the usual stuff. Mugging, meeting random people, walking back and forth from bench to art room. I was just outside Admin block when a very loud voice said:

"An asteroid is bound to hit somewhere to the east of Singapore in five minutes. Er please make preparations to--"

What did we do? We should have been panicking, but admittedly it was quite pointless panicking, running around and beating people up and such, and the majority just sat around where they were and being confused. A passing teacher voiced my thought aloud. "Rather neat way to die, eh? In just a bunch of seconds the whole country would be like whoosh. Oblivion. There you are and there you aren't."

After a bunch of seconds nothing happened, and neither did anything occur within three minutes after the projected time of impact. The same loud voice now announced that there had been a miscalculation of the trajectory and the asteroid would probably impact in the afternoon at a different location.

Considering the technology and scientific integrity of the day, it was all quite weird the way the impending apocalypse was announced. Still, not as weird as the fact that the school subsequently called a half-day and everyone in school went off shopping.

The question:
If you're at school today and there is five minutes left to live for everyone, who will you find?