Monday, April 05, 2010

Not really saying anything

In the beginning I was pretty clueless, and believed everything I read.
Then 5 years ago I got weaned off Newsweek.
4 years ago I stopped reading Time.
1 year ago The Economist, it too bust my bullshit geiger counter.
and now The Straits Times is treating my church like a piñada.

Who can I trust now?
Everyone has a side in the story. But not everyone has their leverage.
If a lobby is influential enough, even their most trivial causes can rally support.
You cannot count on the media to present the most conscientiously-pure account on anything.
And if they cannot give you the untainted view,
you have to give yourself the power.
The price to pay is your opinion over those ever-faraway issues
Where the myriad messengers throng between you and the truth.

Because it is better to have power over seaworthy opinions
Than to be adrift and swaying in the high waves of contention
And to drown in a sea of no faith.
What sage am I to concern myself with things that do not touch me?
God alone judges those who need to be judged.

Let facts be your wood, and verification your varnish;
Let faith be your sails and wind;
Let everything else on earth be put to question;
Let questions be the waters to set your vessel afloat;
Let there be enough questions to fill the world's oceans.

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