Monday, May 28, 2012

Sophomore Journal 2E.1.6

Today I am writing not out of frustration but out of rejoicing. If I am really frustrated it would be because the internet at the hostel is slow and I am typing from notepad right now, but this is none of your concern. Helsinki has been awesome. Yesterday while going to the groceries I was epicly awed at the low prices that food in the supermarkets are kept at. Salami at 2.79 euros? :DDD Miso soup stock at 2.95? Smoked salmon at 2.65? PLEASE, NO MORE. When rich kid raised in Cold Storage goes across the continent to Alepa, invariably he will bleed at the nose a bit.

The Work
So shortly after concluding my tirade which is the previous post, I went to Otaniemi and Dr. Makkonen introduced me to the group. The next day I am presented with a problem which is a computer simulation of electronic structure, involving FUNCTIONALS and the FUNDAMENTAL HAMILTONIAN and THOMAS-FERMI-DIRAC MODEL and VARIATIONAL MONTE-CARLO and other inscrutably-named stuff I had to look up the whole demoralising afternoon. Two other fellas are in the same room as mine: Elmo (the physics student) has been given readings which is basically 2nd year Material Science in NUS, and Angi stretches wood.

My office is on the ground floor. My table is by the window. Outside the window there is a grass patch. Yesterday afternoon on the grass patch suddenly there was a rabbit. And it sat there munching on flowers and rolling about and just being a distracting little shit all day long.