Thursday, October 05, 2006


The Stagfish
Andy Paul Chen
Acrylic and ink on paper

Firstly, a greeting to all my schoolmates, and my compatriots from other schools. Happy art thou who hath endured the Promos. Good job to my friends who have done well (though we don't know yet), and to those who have not, please don't be disheartened too.

I'm not sure where this will lead, photographing and publishing a Promotional exam paper with its title. But it's my favourite this year. Don't be deceived by it's colours, though; I'll probably score dismally in concept because instead of adhering on my chosen themes of Transitions and Symbiosm, I dabbled in abstract patterns and formalism of colour and light. Though one can vaguely see the transition from fish to deer and the symbiosm in this curious gathering of organic and mathematical shapes, I forgot to mention it in my prep. Bah.

I got the ideas from: Civic arms of Zarasai municipality in Lithuania, Franz Marc, Konungadöttrarna (The King's Daughters) music video by Gjallarhorn, stained glass, Penrose tiling, colour theory, cloisonnism and Heraldry.

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