Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Bike Commute

Part I. Haaga
START: Ida Aalbergin tie 1C
1. Ida Aalbergin tie: scoot down to Näyttelijäntie, turn left
2. Näyttelijäntie: turn left to Aino Acktén tie (short way), reach North Haaga Circus
3. North Haaga Circus: turn right to Eliel Saarisen tie (through which bus 550 passes)
4. Eliel Saarisen tie: pass by Huopalahti train station (quite interesting), reach South Haaga Circus.
5. South Haaga Circus: Take next road on the left -- Vihdintie leading away from Vihti

Part II. Lillhoplax
6. Vihdintie: turn right into neighbourhood at Korppanmäentie
7. Korppanmäentie: follow route, turn right to dust path at the bridge.
8. There is a small stream to the left. It leads into the inlet called Pikku Huopalahti, but Lillhoplax is easier to remember. Stay to the right of the inlet. Reach Paciuksenkatu.
9. Paciuksenkatu is a busy road leading from the city. Cross road and reach Ramsayranta.

Part III. Laajalahti
10. The route through Ramsayranta, Kuusisaari and Lehtisaari is quite straightforward and very pretty. The stretch is populated with embassies. Cross the road as dictated by bike route conditions. Turn right into Otaniementie after crossing the city border.
11. Turn right at Otakaari after the Library and main buildings.
END: Konetalo