Saturday, June 02, 2012

I have moved into North Haaga

Flerov and Livermore
Two new chemical elements have been named: 114 Flerovium and 116 Livermorium. This warrants a mention before all the boring personal recounts that are to follow.

Size of Singapore for scale comparison
New place: upper red icon. Stadion: lower red icon. School: green
North Haaga
I have moved into the apartment in North Haaga. This is a different place than Stadion.
I am staying here alone. It's a shared apartment. No one is sharing my apartment.
Not much to do here other than blog. Admittedly though the personal space is bigger and certain things are more convenient (like going for a shower).
While mopping the place over, I got locked out of the room once. An hour later the lady came to open the door, but meanwhile I experienced some existential terror of being in a foreign land with no one nearby to help. The opening cost twenty euros.

If I take a world map and coloured in the countries of origin for every person I met during the week I stayed there, it turns out to look like this: